Name |
Comments |
56) |
Deja Brown  |
Location: Mobile, AL  |
 3-29-2006 07:33 AM
O'Rourke Elem School Project
Great site for learning
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Randy Underwood  |
Location: Eustis Fl.  |
 3-29-2006 07:02 AM
Great site, I stumbled across this site while looking for hunts for disabled.I am now in a w/c. before I became disabled coon hunting is what I lived for. Had Blue Ticks, purple ribben. Had grandson to "Smokey River Blue Diomond Jim. My top dog "southern Blue Streak". Man I miss the sounds of the hunt,strikeing and especialy the treeing. Ole streak never opened his mouth unless it was a coon... and you can take that to the bank... we also share the same last name. "you recken coon huntin is in our genes"will get with you later on our name.sincerly Randy Underwood
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Valerie  |
Location: West Virginia  |
 3-25-2006 04:10 PM
It's nice to see people pay tribute to the love of the dogs and the sport.
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phil  |
Location: Minnesota  |
 3-22-2006 01:32 PM
What tribute...wonderful site
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Milarken Kennels  |
Location: PA  |
 3-4-2006 11:58 AM
What a really nice site, someday I will be able to make it down. Actually love cemetries.. This one is on the list to see and visit.
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Jarrod Ball  |
Location: North east ohio  |
 3-3-2006 07:07 PM
Though i never been to the cemetery i am planning on goin when i am older. I love this site and I am wrighting this in memory of GRCH'PR' JARROD'S OHIO BLACK STORM. He passed away over the sommer. He was a B&Ts he will be missed. He was my first regesterd hound May u rest in peace my old freind and good by
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Gene & Anna Lindsey  |
Location: Sheffield Alabama  |
 2-25-2006 02:04 PM
I've spent several hours enjoying your website. I Especially enjoyed the guestbook and the comments from all around the United States. We just got back from a trip to Coon Dog Cemetery where we carried our grandchildren and a school project of theirs called "Flat Stanley". One thing your might consider having on your website is a photo area where people that actually travel to the cemetery can send their pictures in and post them on your website.
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roberta hastings  |
Location: dundin, florida  |
 2-16-2006 03:57 PM
I first heard about the coonhound cematary from th movie "Sweet HOme Alabama". I have two black and tan coonhounds and a coonhound/begal mix. We got our dogs through a rescue group. They are not hunting dogs but friends. They are so loveable and loyal. To bad many people do not that much about them. I have had many dog but now the only dogs I will have are coonhounds. If I ever get up that way I plan to visit the cematary.
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Patricia Norman  |
Location: Lebanon, TN  |
 2-16-2006 02:40 PM
I have always had a thing for cemetaries and my husband has been drug through so many that we come upon on the side of the road. I loved the movie Sweet Home Alabama and purchased it as soon as I could buy it. When I was in the area visiting a local paper mill and seen the sign I had to go. My husband used to coon hunt and we had a coon dog named John. John has long passed but we currently have a 125 lbs. Golden Retreiver who is getting up in the years and always wonder what we will do with him when he passes. I looked seeing all the history and feel like I got to see something not very many other people even know exists. I will go back again when I have my camera. Thanks
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Rex  |
Location: Columbus, MS  |
 2-9-2006 01:48 PM
After years of desire, I finally took time this week with my friend Dave to visit the hallowed ground of the all night howlers. My limited experience in river bottoms with my one dog "Copper" hunting with my friends brought back memories of days gone by. I wish I could have seen "Doctor Doom" hit the trail or heard "Straight Talkin'TEX".I found your website today, good work!
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John  |
Location: Newnan, GA  |
 1-22-2006 08:41 PM
I came to see a novelty, another side show to joke with my friends about. But when I got here a wonderful calm came over me as I imagined all those old hounds on the trail and baying their haunting song when they treed that old coon.
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jerri  |
Location: burnsville,ms  |
 12-29-2005 03:38 PM
we have carried the kids to see the cemetary and enjoyed it.we all go coon hunting together its just a faimly tradion i guess .my son really needs to be in the lairs contest i read about on your site cause he can come up with some good ones.
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Roberts  |
Location: Jackson, MS  |
 12-5-2005 11:51 PM
Finally got to see the Coon Dog Graveyard. About fifteen years ago some buddies and I were driving back to Oxford MS from a college roadtrip to Chattanooga and saw the sign for the Cemetary. I was the only one in the car who had a coonhound, Blue Tick named Bashful, (my sister named him) after about ten miles my fellow travelers overruled me and we headed back to 72. Today, on the way back from court in Tuscumbia, i finally got to take another trip to the Cemetary. I was touched and it brought back good memories of college buddies and that ole fellow Bashful. The scene was right out of a Cormac Mcarthy novel.
 11-30-2005 04:35 PM
Well, good site, no doubt. Thank you for keeping it.
 11-28-2005 04:29 AM
Very good site! I like it! I just wanted to pass on a note to let you know what a great job you have done with this site..Thanks!
 11-27-2005 05:55 PM
This site is really good.
40) |
Location: stone county mississippi  |
 11-23-2005 11:57 AM
do yall good folks in the fine state of alabama let any mississippi dogs be placed in your coon dog grave sites
Buckshot 11-24-2005 09:55 AM
Dogs from all over the country are buried in the Coon Dog Cemetery.
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Elena  |
Location: Leonni  |
 11-18-2005 11:04 PM
Thank for making this valuable information available to the public.
 11-8-2005 01:55 PM
Good site, and very,very informativity!
 11-6-2005 11:47 AM
nice site you have! good work admin!